Tuesday, November 13, 2012

La Tratt Fairfield- Heaven in an RSL

La Tratt is a fine dining experience- in the Fairfield RSL. No seriously. I had been here before I "became Coeliac" and the food and experience were lovely. Went back October 2011 (post diagnosis). Firstly enjoyed a free glass of bubbles in the lovely lounge area. Then sat at the table, on asking if they had anything gluten free (every Coeliacs favourite line) I was presented with an entire GF menu!!!! The food was really great. Had a fantastic night, unfortunately followed up by Saturday night in the poker lounge. But really recommend La Tratt, 5 star Coeliac dining.

(PS. Yes I will improve on the photography)


Red Spoon Top Ryde

This is one of my local Thai restaurants. Very tasty food, and they do specify on the menu what is gluten free. HOWEVER, as I found out, if you order something with GF next to it, you need to specifically request it to be gluten free, or it won't be. I discovered this after ordering something that said GF, tasting it and realising it had soy sauce in it. Oh dear.

Despite this little issue, the food is really good here and there is some variety to what you can order (although usually Thai cuisine does seem to be fairly good for Coeliacs).


La Casa Ristorante Five Dock

Ahhh La Casa. A wondeful Italian Restaurant, and well versed in the needs of a Coeliac. They have a great menu and are happy to tell you what is gluten free. Last time I had the spatchcock which was amazing. Great atmosphere and service too.

Sadly it was the last place I had dinner before my Coeliac diagnosis came through... Mamma's Meatballs was on the list for the last supper... sadly they aren't gluten free but are excellent for those not inhibited.


Imperial Bakery Rydalmere

Imperial Bakery in Rydalmere is, in a word, amazing. Delicious, well priced gluten free bread (the multigrain loaf is $6 and so delicious), along with cakes, cookies and the world's best banana bread.

On my last visit they had a little fridge full of delicious cakes- all gluten free and available by the slice- including caramel slice, almond and strawberry cake and hazelnut and chocolate torte.

They also make delicious Lebanese treats like Zaatar pizza and Samboosik. And have bought some of their garlic bread which I can't wait to try.

They also do online orders. http://imperialglutenfree.com.au/

Yum yum yum!

Introduction to the Frog Blog

Decided to set up a new blog (how original) documenting my eating out experiences with gluten free food in Sydney.

Short background- was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease about 18 months ago and since then have been trying to find good gluten free food- sometimes being rewarded with fantastic food and other times being disappointed by food that clearly isn't gluten free, tastes terrible or not being able to eat anything at all on the menu.

However very happy to share my good experiences with my fellow Coeliacs and others interested in gluten free dining.

(PS. Gluten Frog= Gluten Free Blog)